Bank of Montreal Testing and Samples.

This sample course is intended to provide representatives of the Bank of Montreal a short sample of the online learning development work that Infinity has created in the past. The course contains two modules. A Navigation, Control and Interactivity module and a Flash version of the Worker Health & Safety Awareness in 4 Steps module which Infinity had developed for the Ontario Ministry of Labour. This particular module is being used for marketing purposes only and is in no way to be used to provide the legislated mandatory training required by the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act. Both modules will run in the Bank of Montreal's current environment (Internet Explorer 8 and Flash 11).

Skill Level: Beginner

This course will provide Bank of Montreal personnel with the training required to ensure that they respond appropriately to calls for service. The course will take approximately 30-40 minutes to complete.

Skill Level: Beginner