The Active Attacker Response for Legislative Assembly Personnel module has been produced by Legislative Protective Services to provide Legislative Assembly personnel with a basic understanding of what to expect and the actions that can be taken during an active attacker situation. The module is approximately 40 minutes in length and can be completed in more than one sitting as the Learning Management System will remember the last slide you have completed and return you to that slide, should you so desire. If you have any technical concerns please do not hesitate to use the support link at the top of the page. Enjoy the course.
- Non-editing teacher: Jamil Kamal

The Infinity Private Security and Investigative Services Act Instructor Led Online Security Guard Program is an online program that follows the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services curriculum. This course is instructor lead and covers all areas of the current curriculum EXCEPT FOR FIRST AID. The program is interactive and includes a virtual facilitator, interactive elements, videos, news forums and on-line meeting areas. The course is approximately 16 hours in duration on-line (equivalent to 40 hours in class) and includes a number of assignments as well as live class conferences. This course is delivered in association with WPSL Security Solutions who is a Ministry Registered 'Training Entity'.
- Teacher: TCN Info-Support
- Teacher: Infinity Support
- Teacher: Infinity Training Support
- Teacher: TCN Support
- Teacher: Infinity Support02

The Infinity Suspicious Package and CBRNE Response course will provide those completing the course with information that will help them to enhance their abilities to deal with situations involving suspicious packages and CBRNE. This course is delivered in an online format with the learner completing all of the course including the testing online.
- Teacher: John Zeyen
The Mississauga Transit Enforcement/Security Operations Ethics and Diversity Awareness course will provide those completing the course with information that will help them to conform to the expectations of City of Mississauga when faced with ethical issues as well as ensure that they have the tools to ensure sensitivity in an increasingly diverse society. The course is delivered in an online format with the learner completing the entire course online.